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gojs apply parameter only when part of group

Using gojs, I would like to apply parameters only when the object is placed inside another object.

for example a panel should only have the padding added (or change value, from 0 to 25) when placed inside a H Group.

is this possible? looking at gojs docs I see SelectionGrouped but not sure if this includes dropping the object into a H Group

                $(go.Node, "Auto",
                    $(go.Panel, "auto", {padding:0},
                        $(go.Shape, "File"),
                        $(go.TextBlock,  "This\n is a\n file", textStyle(),
                            new go.Binding("text", "text").makeTwoWay())


  • You can fire events when Parts are added to or removed from groups using Group.memberAdded and memberRemoved`

    Or you can make a data binding on the Part (that isn't the Group) to do something different when its containingGroup is not null. Example binding:

          new go.Binding("margin", "containingGroup", function(a) {
            if (a === null) return 5;
            // otherwise its in a group:
            return 15;

    See it live here: