Search code examples

How to ORDER BY based on condition? SQL Server

I have a table below for example:

ID          NAME           Company          StartDate        EndDate        Status     
50          Bob            ABC              11-15-2016       02-05-2017     Former  
50          Bob            XYZ              05-06-2014       05-06-2015     Former
50          Bob            EFG              06-10-2019       NULL           Active
50          Bob            LMN              07-05-2019       NULL           Active

I am trying to list their 3 most recent jobs in descending order, so their "Active" job will be first, but if they have 2 "Active" jobs like the example above, I only want to pull the "Active" job with the most recent start date, OR if both of the "Active" jobs have the same start date, then just randomly choose one of them, and skip the other Active, then move on to the their most recent former jobs. The "Active" jobs will always have a NULL EndDate value.

So the result set I am looking for is like below:

ID          NAME           Company          StartDate        EndDate        Status        rn     
50          Bob            LMN              07-05-2019       NULL           Active         1 
50          Bob            ABC              11-15-2016       02-05-2017     Former         2
50          Bob            XYZ              05-06-2014       05-06-2015     Former         3

I have tried the below code, but it isn't able to check for two Active job status and give them a row number properly. I'd like for only one of the Active jobs to be rn = 1 based on the conditions stated above, and rn = 2 and rn = 3 will be the last 2 "Former" jobs:

  select *, row_number() over (partition by ID, NAME order by CASE WHEN Status = 'Active' AND 
  EndDate is NULL THEN Status END desc, EndDate desc
  ) rn
  from employment


  • You can do this with window functions. Assuming that "Active" and "Former" are the only two possible status values, you could do:

    select *
    from (
        select t.*, 
            row_number() over (partition by id, status order by startDate desc) rn
        from mytable t
    ) t
        (status = 'Active' and rn = 1)
        or (status <> 'Active' and rn <= 2)

    If there may be other statuses, then you would change the window function to:

    row_number() over (
        partition by id, case when status = 'Active' then 1 else 0 end 
        order by startDate desc
    ) rn

    Finally, if you want to use startDate to order "Active" recorod and endDate for others:

    row_number() over (
        partition by id, case when status = 'Active' then 1 else 0 end 
        order by case when status = 'Active' then startDate else endDate end desc
    ) rn