I want to use preferences, but I don't want to use it in xml. I used this to find my xml:
And this is my .xml:
<PreferenceCategory android:title="name">
<ListPreference android:key="name" android:title="Find name" android:summary="Select your name"
android:defaultValue="2" android:entries="@array/name" android:entryValues="@array/nameValues"/>
This works! But how can I do declare the preferences in my activity .java without the xml file? Maybe someone can give me a short sample code for my short code.
you just could do
private SharedPreferences preferences;
preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this);
Boolean mypref = preferences.getBoolean("mypref_whatever", true);
If you need to write a preference you just use an editor
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = preferences.edit();
editor.putBoolean("mypref_whatever", false);
This way you don't need an xml at all. Is that what you are looking for?