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How to add a border to fpar in Officer R

I am trying to use the Officer package to create a docx. I want to create paragraphs with different levels and text styles while also having each paragraph have its own border. I have tried using fp_par with both a block_list command and a fpar command but with no luck. Any ideas? Here is what I have been trying:


reg24 <- fp_text(color = "black", font.size = 24)
bold <- fp_text(color = "black", font.size = 24, bold = TRUE)
underline <- fp_text(color = "black", font.size = 24, underlined = TRUE)
bigbold <- fp_text(color = "black", font.size = 28, bold = TRUE)
border <- fp_par(
  text.align = "left",
  padding = 0,
  border = fp_border(color = "black", style = "solid", width = 1))

summary <- block_list(
fpar(ftext("9", bigbold),
         ftext("Address", bold))%>%
    fpar(ftext("Status:", underline),
         ftext("Under Construction", reg24))%>%
    fpar(ftext("Expected Completion:", underline),
         ftext("2020", reg24))%>%
    fpar(ftext("Investment:", underline),

I'm not sure where to go from here because it doesn't seem like there is a way to have a paragraph with different levels, different text styles, and a border. Any suggestions?


  • You can use this example:

    img.file <- file.path( R.home("doc"), "html", "logo.jpg" )
    fpt_blue_bold <- fp_text(color = "#006699", bold = TRUE)
    fpt_red_italic <- fp_text(color = "#C32900", italic = TRUE)
    border <- fp_par(
      text.align = "left",
      padding = 0,
      border.bottom = fp_border(color = "red", style = "solid", width = 1))
    value <- block_list(
      fpar(ftext("hello world", fpt_blue_bold), fp_p = border),
      fpar(ftext("hello", fpt_blue_bold), " ", ftext("world", fpt_red_italic))
    read_docx() %>% 
      body_add_blocks(value) %>% 
      print(target = "coco.docx")

    enter image description here