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selecting max value from table with two variable colums (microsoft SQL)

i´m working with a table that looks like this:


My desired result would look like this:


So i´m triyng to select the max value from two "combined" colums. If the values are the same amount (Part C), the outcome doesn't matter. I tried to order the table by max value and then using distinct but the result didn't turn out as expected

Could you please offer a solution or some insight to this? Thanks in advance!


  • Use row_number():

    select *
    from (
        select t.*, row_number() over(partition by part order by amount desc, zone) rn
        from mytable t
    ) t
    where rn = 1

    For each part, this gives you the row with the highest amount; if there are top ties, column zone is used to break them.

    If you want to allow ties, then use rank() instead, like:

    rank() over(partition by part order by amount desc) rn