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How to replace method 'combineLatest' from rxJs with a not deprecated method?

I implemented method using combinlatest rsjx/operator one, it work properly but sonar issue given said it , I need to convert it latest one. but I try, just replace import it gave error. I need some expert help to do this .

gX$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe(
    mergeMap(([, oc]) => this.reviewService.findBy(,
      new Date(),
      new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 1)))
        mergeMap(d => {
          return of(reviewLoadSuccess({ reviews: getReviews(d) }));
        catchError(error => {
          return of(reviewLoadFailure({ error: error }));


  • Since it seems that you only need the value returned by this.service.getoc(), I would recommend of using switchMapTo operator instead, as demonstrated below

     gX$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe(
       mergeMap(oc => this.reviewService.findBy(,
         new Date(),
         new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 1)))
           mergeMap(d => {
             return of(reviewLoadSuccess({ reviews: getReviews(d) }));
           catchError(error => {
             return of(reviewLoadFailure({ error: error }));

    Consider applying the following changes, should you want to use the action as well :

    gX$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$
        switchMap(action => this.service.getoc().pipe(
          switchMap(oc => {
            //  you have access to both action, and oc
            // ... continue running your code