Search code examples

ErrorException Undefined variable:

Why I am getting this error? ErrorException Undefined variable: features (View: C:\xampp\htdocs....views\layouts\index.blade.php)


 public function index()
                $features = Feature::get();
                return view ('layouts.index')->with(compact('features'));


public function index()
        $products = Product::get();
        return view ('products')->with(compact('products'));

layouts page- index.blade.php

     @foreach($features as $f)
              <div class="prodcut-price mt-auto">
                  <div class="font-size-15">LKR {{ $f ['features_id'] }}.00</div>

view page - index.blade.php


  @foreach($products as $p)
                       <div class="mb-2"><a href="../shop/product-categories-7-column-full-width.html" class="font-size-12 atext">{{ $p ['prod_sub_category'] }}</a></div>
                                            <h5 class="mb-1 product-item__title"><a href="../shop/single-product-fullwidth.html" class="text-blue font-weight-bold">{{ $p ['prod_name'] }}</a></h5>
                                            <div class="mb-2">
                                                <a href="../shop/single-product-fullwidth.html" class="d-block text-center"><img class="img-fluid" src="{{asset('/storage/admin/'.$p ['prod_image_path'] ) }}"  alt="Image Description"></a>
                                            <div class="flex-center-between mb-1">
                                                <div class="prodcut-price">
                                                    <div class="atext">LKR {{ $p ['prod_price'] }}.00</div>
                                                <div class="d-none d-xl-block prodcut-add-cart">
                                                    <a href="../shop/single-product-fullwidth.html" class="btn-add-cart btn-primary transition-3d-hover"><i class="ec ec-shopping-bag"></i></a>


Route::resource('/products', 'ProductsController');

Route::resource('/layouts/index', 'FeaturedController@index');  


  • as u r using data in layout u should use laravel view composer to share data to layout file ref link

    in your AppServiceProvider.php

    inside boot() add this line

     public function boot()
           \View::composer('layouts.index', function ($view) { // here layout path u need to add
            $features = Feature::get();

    It share data based on specif view file like here layouts.index data is send to this view so if u not send data from controller it will get data from view composer