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How to download all attachments of all records of a custom object in Salesforce?

I am new to file handling in Salesforce. I want to grab all the files attached to all the records of a custom object. Can anyone help me with it?


  • Old-school SF used Attachment object and you could simply go SELECT Body, ContentType, Name FROM Attachment WHERE ParentId = '...'.

    In Lightning there's high chance your attachments are called "Files" (the actual API name is ContentDocument / ContentVersion). Check if the attachment's ID starts with 068 or 069. They aren't linked directly to your record. Instead there's ContentDocumentLink table sitting in between, used to cross-share same file. (You upload it and waste database space once, then you can cross-link it in Chatter posts, groups, other records...)

    The official ERD isn't great, try to click through it in Setup -> Schema Builder or this answer might help: There's a sample query which you might have to fine-tune a bit, for example to SELECT ContentDocument.LatestPublishedVersion.VersionData to get the actual payload.

    Check out other questions around here about ContentVersion. For example (it's other way around, about upload but should give you good idea).