I ran a SEM model in R's lavaan
and am now trying to replicate it in Mplus. I get almost identical results for factor loadings, coefficients, and fit measures so the replication looks successful. But I'm confused because lavaan
and Mplus reports different number of freely estimated parameters.
As an illustration, below is the excerpt of lavaan
lavaan 0.6-5 ended normally after 174 iterations
Estimator ML
Optimization method NLMINB
Number of free parameters 254
Number of equality constraints 30
Row rank of the constraints matrix 30
Number of observations 1622
Number of missing patterns 536
Model Test User Model:
Test statistic 2237.435
Degrees of freedom 1206
P-value (Chi-square) 0.000
Model Test Baseline Model:
Test statistic 19296.614
Degrees of freedom 1326
P-value 0.000
User Model versus Baseline Model:
Comparative Fit Index (CFI) 0.943
Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI) 0.937
and below is the excerpt of Mplus summary:
Mplus.version "7"
AnalysisType "GENERAL"
Estimator "ML"
Observations "1622"
NGroups "1"
NDependentVars "51"
NIndependentVars "1"
NContinuousLatentVars "12"
Parameters "224"
ChiSqM_Value "2237.424"
ChiSqM_DF "1206"
ChiSqM_PValue "0"
ChiSqBaseline_Value "19296.6"
ChiSqBaseline_DF "1326"
ChiSqBaseline_PValue "0"
LL "-78566.54"
UnrestrictedLL "-77447.83"
CFI "0.943"
TLI "0.937"
AIC "157581.1"
BIC "158788.8"
aBIC "158077.1"
RMSEA_Estimate "0.023"
RMSEA_90CI_LB "0.021"
RMSEA_90CI_UB "0.024"
RMSEA_pLT05 "1"
SRMR "0.048"
AICC "157653.2"
As you can see, lavaan
reports there are 254 freely estimated parameters, whereas Mplus reports 224.
I noticed that if I subtract number of equality constraints (30) from 254, that returns 224, so was wondering if that explains the difference. Is my guess correct?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
When trying to validate lavaan with mplus (or vice-versa) I think it helps to use the lavaan function: mimic='mplus'
When using the mimic function, you should find that your number of free parameters will match. Also, the output will more closely match the order of Mplus output, making your life easier. If you don't already have it, the paper by the author of Lavaan is very helpful, and can be found here: jstatsoft.org/article/view/v048i02/v48i02.pdf
Here's some sample code.