I'd like to run a model on a Tweedie distributed variable using JAGS through R. I know that JAGS doesn't have a Tweedie distribution as standard, but that it is possible to specify one as a compound Gamma/Poisson. Unfortunately I can't figure out how to code it in JAGS. I wrote the below based on code scavenged from various sources to simply try and recover the mean, power and phi parameters from a Tweedie random variable. It doesn't run at the moment because of invalid parent values on y, presumably because y[i] appears on the right hand side and left hand side of an expression. This is as it was written in the source code, but I'm evidently misusing it. Any pointers on how to properly specify this distribution would be much appreciated and probably of wider use as I haven't been able to find any simple coded on examples on how to set up Tweedie models in JAGS.
y = mgcv::rTweedie(mu=rep(2,100),p=1.33,phi=1)
jags_data = list(y=y,n=length(y))
jags_model =
for (i in 1:n) {
lambda[i] <- pow(mu,2-p)/(phi *(2-p))
num[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i])
shape[i,1] <- num[i]*((2-p)/(p-1))
rate[i,1] <- 1/(phi*(p-1)*pow(mu,p-1))
shape[i,2] <- 1
rate[i,2] <- exp(-lambda[i])
# Takes shape/rate parameter 1 if y > 0 and 2 if y = 0
y[i] ~ dgamma(shape[i,1+equals(y[i],0)],rate[i,1+equals(y[i],0)])
mu ~ dunif(0,100)
p ~ dunif(1,2) ## Tweedie power parameter
phi ~ dunif(0,30) ## Dispersion parameter
model_file = tempfile(fileext = 'txt')
jm = rjags::jags.model(
file = model_file,
data = jags_data,
n.chains = 3,
n.adapt = 1500
I was able to get this to function. Whether it "worked" or not seems like more of an open question, but the posterior means of the parameters are pretty close to the true values. I did this in R with runjags
, but all of the pieces are here to be done in JAGS independent of R.
First, I generated the data and also put the shape matrix in the data with a column of NA values so they could be overwritten in each iteration of the simulation. I also added a variable called yind
which is 2 if y == 0
and 1 otherwise. This will serve as the value that will index the shape
and rate
matrices. It is probably more efficient to do this in the data rather than have JAGS evaluate and equals()
function a few times in every iteration for every value of y
which are fixed at the beginning.
y = mgcv::rTweedie(mu=rep(2,100),p=1.33,phi=1)
shape_mat <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(y), ncol=2)
shape_mat[,2] <- 1
jags_data = list(y=y,n=length(y), yind = 2-(y > 0), shape = shape_mat)
Next, the model is the same save the change in how the shape matrix is dealt with and the addition of yind
jags_model =
for (i in 1:n) {
lambda[i] <- pow(mu,2-p)/(phi *(2-p))
num[i] ~ dpois(lambda[i])
shape[i,1] <- num[i]*((2-p)/(p-1))
rate[i,1] <- 1/(phi*(p-1)*pow(mu,p-1))
## moved to data
# shape[i,2] <- 1
rate[i,2] <- exp(-lambda[i])
# Takes shape/rate parameter 1 if y > 0 and 2 if y = 0
y[i] ~ dgamma(shape[i,yind[i]],rate[i,yind[i]])
mu ~ dunif(0,100)
p ~ dunif(1,2) ## Tweedie power parameter
phi ~ dunif(0,30) ## Dispersion parameter
The invalid parent values likely came from the initial values. The num
poisson draws have to be consistent with lambda
, which is a function of mu
, p
and phi
. So, the initial values are important to ensure that these are all consistent. I set the three model parameters to the values below and then calculated lambda
. I set num
to the nearest integer value to lambda
based on the values of these three parameters.
inits <- list(mu = 5, p=1.5, phi=5,
num = rep(1, length(y)))
Next, I ran the model and summarized:
out <- run.jags(model=jags_model, data = jags_data, monitor=c("mu", "p", "phi"), burnin=5000, sample=10000,
inits = list(inits, inits), n.chains = 2, keep.jags.files=TRUE)
# Lower95 Median Upper95 Mean SD Mode MCerr MC%ofSD SSeff AC.10 psrf
# mu 1.606100 1.921855 2.24793 1.927986 0.16489395 NA 0.001534324 0.9 11550 -0.006514202 1.000242
# p 1.252230 1.377415 1.50807 1.379773 0.06563517 NA 0.002049511 3.1 1026 0.354243967 1.013941
# phi 0.871354 1.098075 1.36870 1.109978 0.12874006 NA 0.003880090 3.0 1101 0.322202621 1.004731