I am using sequelize with microsoft azure sql database. I am using following to connect to the database
let sequelize = new Sequelize(<DB_NAME>, <DB_USER>, <DB_PASS>, {
dialect: 'mssql',
host: 'xxxxxx.database.windows.net',
operatorsAliases: false,
encrypt: true,
timestamps: true
sequelize.authenticate().then(() => {
console.log('Connection established successfully.');
}).catch(err => {
console.error('Unable to connect to the database:', err);
this establishes the connection. I want to use transaction with my sql queries. I use the following code to execute update operation on the data
const USERS= sequelize.define('USERS', <table details>);
await sequelize.transaction(async (t) => {
await USERS.update(
{ status: 'USER REMOVED' },
where: { id: <ID>},
returning: true,
{transaction : t}
throw "unsuccessful transaction"
}).then(async function(){
console.log("transaction successful")
).catch(err => {
after execution the logs show following
Executing (b9f23ee86231fc03255b): BEGIN TRANSACTION;
Executing (b9f23ee86231fc03255b): ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;
which translates to the transaction was rolled back
But when I check the data in the Azure SQL database is updated.
Thus the transaction was not rolled back.
Is there something that I am missing or doing incorrectly ? does the azure SQL support transactions ?
The static model's update
method has only two parameters: values
and options
so you should pass transaction inside options
await USERS.update(
{ status: 'USER REMOVED' },
where: { id: <ID>},
returning: true,
transaction : t