I have a merged dataframe in which I would like to check each string contained in the row of the 'profile' column against each string in the row of the 'right_side' col. If these two strings are equal, I would like to replace the str in the 'profile' column with the str in the 'left_side' column. Am having a really hard time with this fro some reason and have tried, .loc, dict, map and .at methods but must be missing one component with each as nothing as worked. Here is the dataframe:
profile left_side right_side
DevOps Developer NaN NaN
Software Developer Software Development Developer Software Developer
Software Developer Software Development Developer Software Developer
Quality Assurance Quality Assurance Engineer Quality Assurance
Thank you so much for the help!
Profile ... right_side
0 DevOps Developer ... NaN
1 Software Development Developer ... Software Developer
2 Software Development Developer ... Software Developer
3 Quality Assurance Engineer ... Quality Assurance
[4 rows x 3 columns]
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