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Using a TextureArray in ModernGL

I recently started using ModernGL, and today I would like to start working with texture arrays. I'm just stuck on how to pass the individual subtextures in Moderngl? In OpenGL I would call glTexSubImage3D. However, in the ModernGL documentation, Context.texture_array takes 3 arguments: size, components, and data. I think data is supposed to be all the images stacked? How would I go about this using PIL and possibly numpy?


  • You can read each image separately and append the images to a list. Finally convert the list to an numpy.array.
    In the following snippet imageList is a list of filenames and width and height is the size of an individual image (the images must all be the same size):

    def createTextureArray(imageList, width, height)
        depth = len(imageList)
        dataList = []
        for filename in imageList:
            image =
            if width != image.size[0] or height != image.size[1]:
                raise ValueError(f"image size mismatch: {image.size[0]}x{image.size[1]}")
        imageArrayData = numpy.array(dataList, numpy.uint8)
        components = 4 # 4 for RGBA, 3 for RGB
        context.texture_array((width, height, depth), components, imageArrayData)