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XSLT grouping by a trigger value

I want to group a XML by a trigger or flag value. I can only use XSLT 1.0. Original XML:

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
        <field   level = "system" name = "Image Filename" value = "Batch121_2_1.tif"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "groupId" value = "1"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "scanDokumentPos" value = "1 "/>
        <field   level = "system" name = "Image Filename" value = "Batch121_2_2.tif"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "groupId" value = "0"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "scanDokumentPos" value = "1 "/>
        <field   level = "system" name = "Image Filename" value = "Batch121_2_3.tif"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "groupId" value = "0"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "scanDokumentPos" value = "1 "/>
        <field   level = "system" name = "Image Filename" value = "Batch121_3_1.tif"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "groupId" value = "0"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "scanDokumentPos" value = "2 "/>
        <field   level = "system" name = "Image Filename" value = "Batch121_3_2.tif"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "groupId" value = "0"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "scanDokumentPos" value = "2 "/>
        <field   level = "system" name = "Image Filename" value = "Batch121_7_1.tif"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "groupId" value = "1"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "scanDokumentPos" value = "6 "/>
        <field   level = "system" name = "Image Filename" value = "Batch121_7_2.tif"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "groupId" value = "0"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "scanDokumentPos" value = "6 "/>
        <field   level = "system" name = "Image Filename" value = "Batch121_8_1.tif"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "groupId" value = "0"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "scanDokumentPos" value = "7 "/>
        <field   level = "system" name = "Image Filename" value = "Batch121_8_2.tif"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "groupId" value = "0"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "scanDokumentPos" value = "7 "/>
        <field   level = "system" name = "Image Filename" value = "Batch121_9_1.tif"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "groupId" value = "1"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "scanDokumentPos" value = "8 "/>
        <field   level = "system" name = "Image Filename" value = "Batch121_10_1.tif"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "groupId" value = "1"/>
        <field   level = "document" name = "scanDokumentPos" value = "9 "/>

Result should be:

        <document GroupID=""> <!-- grouped because of groupId=1 -->
                <document GroupID="1"> <!-- scanDokumentPos --> <!-- grouped because of groupId=0 and scanDokumentPos=1 -->
                        <page path="Batch121_2_1.tif"> <!-- Image Filename -->
                        <page path="Batch121_2_2.tif"> <!-- Image Filename -->
                        <page path="Batch121_2_3.tif"> <!-- Image Filename -->
                <document GroupID="2"> <!-- scanDokumentPos --> <!-- grouped because of groupId=0 and scanDokumentPos=2 -->
                        <page path="Batch121_3_1.tif"> <!-- Image Filename -->
                        <page path="Batch121_3_2.tif"> <!-- Image Filename -->
        <document GroupID=""> <!-- start new document because of groupId=1 -->
                <document GroupID="6"> <!-- scanDokumentPos --> <!-- grouped because of groupId=0 and scanDokumentPos=6 -->
                        <page path="Batch121_7_1.tif"> <!-- Image Filename -->
                        <page path="Batch121_7_2.tif"> <!-- Image Filename -->
                <document GroupID="7"> <!-- scanDokumentPos --> <!-- grouped because of groupId=0 and scanDokumentPos=7 -->
                        <page path="Batch121_8_1.tif"> <!-- Image Filename -->
                        <page path="Batch121_8_2.tif"> <!-- Image Filename -->
        <document GroupID=""> <!-- start new document because of groupId=1 -->
                <document GroupID="8"> <!-- scanDokumentPos --> <!-- grouped because of groupId=0 and scanDokumentPos=8 -->
                        <page path="Batch121_9_1.tif"> <!-- Image Filename -->
        <document GroupID=""> <!-- start new document because of groupId=1 -->
                <document GroupID="9"> <!-- scanDokumentPos --> <!-- grouped because of groupId=0 and scanDokumentPos=9 -->
                        <page path="Batch121_10_1.tif"> <!-- Image Filename -->

The first grouping-key is groupId. If 1 start new document on level 1. So all elements after groupId=1 until next groupId=1 or the end of file belongs to one group. The second grouping-key is scanDokumentPos. Group all the pages to one document which has the same scanDokumentPos.



  • Like mentioned in the comments, grouping in XSLT 1.0 is best done using Muenchian Grouping.

    The example given ( is a good one, but the difference with your question is your first grouping is more like a "group-starting-with" than just grouping on a value.

    What I would do is create 2 keys.

    The first selects image elements that don't have a groupId of "1" based on the generated id of the first preceding sibling that has a groupId of "1".

    The second selects image elements that don't have a groupId of "1" based on a combination of the generated id (see above) and the "scanDokumentPos" value.

    Here's an example. I didn't handle the processing of the image elements. I only show the grouping. The handling of the image elements should be trivial.

    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
      <xsl:output indent="yes"/>
      <xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
      <xsl:key name="doc_group" match="image[not(field[@name='groupId']/@value='1')]" 
      <xsl:key name="doc_pos_group" match="image[not(field[@name='groupId']/@value='1')]" 
      <xsl:template match="@*|node()">
          <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()"/>
      <xsl:template match="/*">
            <xsl:for-each select="image[field[@name='groupId']/@value='1']">
              <xsl:variable name="curr_image" select="."/>
              <xsl:variable name="curr_id" select="generate-id()"/>
              <document GroupID="">
                  <xsl:if test="1 >= count(key('doc_group',$curr_id))">
                    <document GroupID="{normalize-space(field[@name='scanDokumentPos']/@value)}">
                        <xsl:apply-templates select="$curr_image"/>
                  <xsl:for-each select="key('doc_group',$curr_id)[count(.|key('doc_pos_group', 
                    <xsl:variable name="doc_pos" select="field[@name='scanDokumentPos']/@value"/>
                    <document GroupID="{normalize-space($doc_pos)}">
