Good afternoon,
I have a fixture that loads in a large amount of data that will have been logged overnight. This is then used in various tests which analyse different aspects of the data.
Loading this data takes quite a while so i only want the fixture to run once and pass the same data to each test. I read the way to do this was marking the fixture scope to session the issue then is that because the fixture takes in a command line argument (location of the test data) passed through pytest_generate_tests() i get the following error: ScopeMismatch: You tried to access the 'function' scoped fixture 'path' with a 'session' scoped request object, involved factories
Here is a simplified recreation:
import pytest
def pytest_addoption(parser):
parser.addoption("--path", action="store", required=True, help='Path to folder containing the data for the tests to inspect, e.g. ncom files.')
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
# This is called for every test. Only get/set command line arguments
# if the argument is specified in the list of test "fixturenames".
if "path" in metafunc.fixturenames:
metafunc.parametrize("path", ['../temp/' + metafunc.config.getoption("--path")])
Test file
import pytest
def supply_data(path):
data = path
return data
def test_one(supply_data):
assert supply_data=='a path', 'Failed'
Can anybody please suggest how to make this work or a better way to achive what i am trying to do?
Many thanks
If I understand this correctly, your path does not change during a test session, so it would be sufficient to read it in the fixture from the command line parameters:
def supply_data(request):
path = '../temp/' + request.config.getoption("--path")
data = read_data_from_path(path)
yield data