Is it possible to test a Unit return type function using Scala test? If yes please give me the answer I need my code coverage to be higher.
Following test asserts that Hello
, World
is getting printed on console.
type ConsoleErrors = List[String]
type ConsoleOutputs = List[String]
test("should print hello world to console") {
def toString(arr: Array[Byte]): List[String] = new String(arr).split("\n").toList.filter(!_.isEmpty)
def captureConsole[T](f: => T): (T, ConsoleOutputs, ConsoleErrors) = {
val outCapture = new ByteArrayOutputStream
val errCapture = new ByteArrayOutputStream
try {
val t = Console.withOut(outCapture)(Console.withErr(errCapture)(f))
val out: ConsoleOutputs = toString(outCapture.toByteArray)
val errs: ConsoleErrors = toString(errCapture.toByteArray)
(t, out, errs)
finally {
val (_, out, errs) = captureConsole {
out shouldBe List("Hello", "World")
errs shouldBe List.empty