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Tailwind CS backgroundImage doesn't work for me

I'm trying to make tailwinds backgroundImage solution work, and I found help for many other tailwindcss problems here or on GitHub, but not for this. It's not a complicated task, but still doesn't work.

So as in the documentation, I want to create 2 simple background image to use for multiple viewsize. It is stated in the documentation "By default, only responsive variants are generated for background image utilities." It means, without any further configuration on variants, I should be able to use it for this purpose.

Here is how my tailwind.conf.js looks like (important part is at the end):

const plugin = require('tailwindcss/plugin')
module.exports = {
    purge: [
    theme: {
        extend: {
            minHeight: {
                '120': '30rem',
            height: {
                '15': '3.75rem',
                '17': '4.25rem',
                '7': '1.75rem',
                '75': '18.75rem',
            width: {
                '15': '3.75rem',
                open: '11.875rem',
                '75': '18.75rem',
            margin: {
                '7': '1.75rem',
                '17': '4.25rem',
                '27': '6.75rem',
            padding: {
                '7': '1.75rem',
            borderWidth: {
                '5': '5px',
            fontSize: {
                '5xl': '3.375rem',
                'xxl': '1.375rem',
            boxShadow: {
                'lg': '0px 0px 10px #00000033',
                'xl': '0px 0px 20px #00000080',
            gap: {
                '7': '1.75rem',
            inset: {
                '10': '2.5rem',
                '11': '2.75rem',
                '17': '4.25rem',
                '1/2': '50%',
            backgroundImage: {
                'hero-lg': "url('/storage/img/sys/lg-hero.jpg')",
                'hero-sm': "url('/storage/img/sys/sm-hero.jpg')",
    variants: {
        opacity: ['group-hover'],
        backgroundOpacity: ['group-hover'],
    plugins: []

Just to make sure I included the full content. And this is how the html looks like:

<div class="bg-hero-sm lg:bg-hero-lg h-24 w-24">
<div class="h-24 bg-gradient-to-r from-orange-400 via-red-500 to-pink-500"></div>

As I said, nothing special, "npm run dev" finishes without any error...but if I inspect the element, I cannot see anything related to any background parameter in CSS. Even the example from documentation doesn't work, which should have to provide a gradient block.

I am using Tailwind with Laravel.

How can I proceed? (I can do workaround using CSS code in my sass file, but I want to use Tailwind's own solution).


  • The background image functionality of tailwindcss has been released in version 1.7.0.

    I tested your code in my development environment and it didn't work either since I also had an earlier version of tailwindcss. After upgrading to the latest version, your code has worked fine.