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Getting types generated similar to apollo codegen from graphql-codegen

I am new to apollo and graphql. I tried using both apollo-codegen and graphql-codegen and I want all the types generated in one single file like in graphql-codegen , but in apollo it creates multiple files.

The issue I am having while using graphql-codegen is the type generated is not the format that I get data.

While using apollo client useQuery the data I get from backend is in format of

data: {
  queryName : {... actualDataObject }


SO the output for a sample query by apollo -codegen is : -

export interface Login_logIn {
  __typename: "UserPayload";
  email: string;
  firstname: string;
  lastname: string;

export interface Login {
  logIn: Login_logIn;  // logIn is the queryname here

But using graphql-codegent the output I get is : -

export type UserPayload = {
  __typename?: 'UserPayload';
  _id: Scalars['ID'];
  email: Scalars['String'];
  firstname: Scalars['String'];
  lastname: Scalars['String'];

Is it possible to get graphql-codegen out put similar to apollo codegen i.e in format of: -

export type UserPayload {
  logIn : {                     //logIn is the queryname
    __typename?: 'UserPayload';
    _id: Scalars['ID'];
    email: Scalars['String'];
    firstname: Scalars['String'];
    lastname: Scalars['String'];

So that it becomes easy to use in useQuery or useMutation hook ? By using graphql-codegen

 const [doLogin, {loading, error, data}] = useMutation<UserPayload, UserInputVariables>(
      variables: {


  • You need to add the typescript-operations plugin to your codegen.yml:

          - typescript
          - typescript-operations

    and make sure you've set the documents property to point to where your queries are located.

    This will generate two additional types per operation -- one for the query response and one for the variables -- both of which can then be passed to your hook.

    export type LoginMutationVariables = Exact<{ ... }>;
    export type LoginMutation = (
      { __typename?: 'Mutation' }
      & { logIn: ... }

    You can see additional details about the plugin here. If you're using Apollo, you might consider having codegen just generate the hooks for you instead.