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Could not build wheels for snowflake-connector-python which use PEP 517

I am getting the following error while trying to install snowflake connector pin Spyder IDE in Windows 10 Pro having python 3.8.3 and PIP version pip 20.2.2

"Failed building wheel for snowflake-connector-python ERROR: Could not build wheels for snowflake-connector-python which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly"

I am using pip install snowflake-connector-python


  • Windoz w/ Python 3.8.x is currently a problem for the connector, I suggest you install 3.7.x in another location, PiP install the connector there until a new version of the connector is released that can be used in 3.8.x.

    You may want to log the issue in Github as well, though I had someone with the same issue yesterday and I know Snowflake is working on it.