Hey I've switched over to DryIoc from Autofac. My code previously worked but now causes an exception "Recursive dependency is detected when resolving". (Code is simplified)
public class AFactory {
public AFactory(Func<A> getA){ }
public class BFactory {
public BFactory(Func<B> getB, AFactory factory){ }
public class A {
public A(IrrelevantService service, BFactory factory){ }
The actual code is complicated so assume that there is a reason that this code structure is necessary.
It's trying to resolve AFactory --> A --> BFactory --> AFactory and this is causing the issue. But since it's using a Func<> so it should be fine? (or at least it is in Autofac).
Is there a way to register this so that it doesn't throw this exception?
Here is the reason from the Func wrapper docs:
By default, does not permit recursive dependency.
The fix is described in the doc below or in the later section.
using System;
using DryIoc;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var c = new Container(
//rules => rules.WithFuncAndLazyWithoutRegistration() // fix1: make everything lazy resolvable preventing the recursive dependency check!
//setup: Setup.With(asResolutionCall: true) // fix2: makes A a dynamically resolvable
setup: Setup.With(asResolutionCall: true) // fix3: makes BFactory a dynamically resolvable - the fix is here and not in B because the BFactory is already loops to AFactory and making B dynamic is not enough
var af = c.Resolve<AFactory>();
public class AFactory {
public AFactory(Func<A> getA){ }
public class BFactory {
public BFactory(Func<B> getB, AFactory aFactory){ }
public class A {
public A(IrrelevantService service, BFactory bFactory){ }
public class B {}
public class IrrelevantService {}