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SQL fill NULL row with previous non NULL row

So I have a bq table that was created as several calender date snapshot, joined to trx data. Please find below query to populate the table

    GENERATE_DATE_ARRAY(date_add(DATE(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP), interval -20 day), DATE('2020-08-22')) AS date_array
 ,dim_date AS (
    UNNEST(date_array) AS sn_date
 ,data_test as (
 select date('2020-08-20') as date, 1 as id, 1000 as num
 select date('2020-08-18') as date, 1 as id, 130 as num
 select date('2020-08-18') as date, 2 as id, 300 as num
 select date('2020-08-13') as date, 2 as id, 250 as num

 ,jjoin as (
 from dim_date
 left join 
 on 1=1 and sn_date = date

 select *
 from jjoin
 order by 1 desc

The result is as following img enter image description here

next I would like to fill the snapshot row with the NULL values with previous non NULL row by date for each id. I have tried to use max or first_value but it is still NULL. example :

select sn_date
coalesce(num, max (num) over (partition by id order by date)
from jjoin

but it doesn't show previous non Null row. any advice? thanks

expected :

sn_date | date | id | num
08/22   | 08/20| 1  | 1000
08/21   | 08/20| 1  | 1000
08/20   | 08/20| 1  | 1000
08/19   | 08/18| 1  | 130
08/18   | 08/18| 1  | 130
08/18   | 08/18| 2  | 300
08/17   | 08/13| 1  | 250
08/16   | 08/13| 1  | 250
08/15   | 08/13| 1  | 250


  • You can use last_value():

    select sn_date, date, id, num,
           last_value(date ignore nulls) over (order by date desc),
           last_value(id ignore nulls) over (order by date desc),
           last_value(num ignore nulls) over (order by date desc)

    I should note that the SQL standard supports ignore nulls on lag() as well as first_value() and last_value(). When I think about solving this problem, I think in terms of lag(). I think BigQuery is the only database that supports ignore nulls but not on lag().