Here I take DemocracyIncome as an example. I need to simulate this dataset but I don't know which probability distribution of democracy and income I should choose. The dataset can be obtained from the following codes
data("DemocracyIncome", package = "pder")
Can anyone help me with the distribution of income and democracy? How can I simulate this democracy? I did a densityplot also and found that democracy has two to three peaks. It seems like a bimodal distribution.
I had a similar question some days ago and got helpful insights in the following post: How to identify the distribution of the given data using r
Adapted to your dataset
data("DemocracyIncome", package = "pder")
demo <- na.omit(DemocracyIncome)
descdist(demo$income, discrete = FALSE)
normal_dist <- fitdist(demo$income, "norm")
The first plot help you to identify distribution, second plot(s) are to check normal distribution! Hope this helps.