I'm currently writing an rpg game in python that uses a mysql database to store info on players. However, I've come across a problem.
Sample Code of How Database has been Set Up:
playerinfo Table
userID | money | xp |
1 | 200 | 20 |
2 | 100 | 10 |
I'm trying to select the amount of money with only the value. My select query right now is
SELECT money FROM playerinfo WHERE id = 1
The full code/function for collecting selecting the info is
def get_money_stats(user_id):
global monresult
remove_characters = ["{", "}", "'"]
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
monsql = "SELECT money FROM players WHERE userid = %s"
value = user_id
cursor.execute(monsql, value)
monresult = str(cursor.fetchone())
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error Occurred> {e}")
{'money': 200}
Basically, all I want to select is the INT/DATA from the player's row (identified by unique userid). How do I do that? The only solution I have is to replace the characters with something else but I don't really want to do that as it's incredibly inconvenient and messy. Is there another way to reformat/select the data?
It seems like that fetching one row gives you a dictionary of the selected columns with its values, which seems the correct approach to me. You should simply access the dictionary with the column that you want to retrieve:
monresult = cursor.fetchone()['money']
If you don't want to specify again the column (which you should) you could get the values of the dictionary as a list and retrieve the first one:
monresult = list(cursor.fetchone().values())[0]
I do not recommend the last approach because it's heavily dependent on the current status of the query and it may have to change if the query is changed.