I've an assignment and I've been trying to solve this for hours with no avail. paper records can be found nested at any level in the dictionary
I'm trying to Parse a yaml file and get the nested values where the output is
sales highest_sales
sales.yml/sales1/paper1 Dwight
So far, I'm only able to get key and value pair off my code but I've gone anywhere. Can anyone please spare a thought
This is the output from YAML file
{'sales1': {'paper1': {'Jim': 8, 'Pam': 9, 'Dwight': 43}}, 'sales2': {'morning_sales': {'paper2': {'Jim': 10, 'Pam': 23, 'Dwight': 67, 'Michael': 12}}, 'evening_sales': {'paper3': {'Jim': 3, 'Pam': 43, 'Dwight': 67}}}, 'paper4': {'Jim': 23, 'Pam': 14, 'Dwight': 8}}
import yaml
with open(r"C:\Users\Jason\Assignments\Assignment8\sales.yml", 'r') as yamlfile:
data = yaml.load(yamlfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
def iterdict(d):
for k,v in d.items():
if isinstance(v, dict):
print (k,":",v)
The key for the maximum value can be found using operator.itemgetter
You can try this code, It should work
import yaml
import operator
def check_max(k, v, prev_key):
# To get key of maximum sale
sales = max(v.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
if 'sales' in sales or 'paper' in sales:
# To check if value is another dictionary
raise Exception("value is a dictionary")
print("{:38s} {:10s}".format(str(prev_key)+'/'+str(k),sales))
# The value was a dictionary
for k1, v1 in v.items():
check_max(k1,v1, prev_key+'/'+str(k))
with open(r"C:\Users\Jason\Assignments\Assignment8\sales.yml", 'r') as yamlfile:
data = yaml.load(yamlfile, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
# Formatting of data you can
# increase the value for proper formatting
print("{:38s} {:10s}".format("sales","highest_sales"))
for k,v in data.items():
check_max(k,v, 'sales.yml')
sales highest_sales
sales.yml/sales1/paper1 Dwight
sales.yml/sales2/morning_sales/paper2 Dwight
sales.yml/sales2/evening_sales/paper3 Dwight
sales.yml/paper4 Jim