Example data :
df1 = data.frame('A' = seq(1,10), 'B' = seq(11,20), 'C' = seq(21,30))
# A B C
# 1 1 11 21
# 2 2 12 22
# 3 3 13 23
# 4 4 14 24
# 5 5 15 25
# 6 6 16 26
# 7 7 17 27
# 8 8 18 28
# 9 9 19 29
# 10 10 20 30
df2 = data.frame('A'=quantile(df1$A, probs=c(0.25,0.5,0.75)),
'B'=quantile(df1$B, probs=c(0.25,0.5,0.75)),
'C'=quantile(df1$C, probs=c(0.25,0.5,0.75)))
# A B C
# 25% 3.25 13.25 23.25
# 50% 5.50 15.50 25.50
# 75% 7.75 17.75 27.75
df3 = data.frame('A'=c(5,8,6,2,1), 'B'=c(11,12,13,19,20), 'C'=c(21,27,24,26,25))
# A B C
# 1 5 11 21
# 2 8 12 27
# 3 6 13 24
# 4 2 19 26
# 5 1 20 25
Desired result:
# A B C
# Q1 3 2 4
# Med 2 2 2
# Q3 1 2 0
I want to get the no of elements in each column of df3 that are
< df2['25%,]
(also this, <
in this row, >
in others)> df2['50%',]
> df2['75%',]
These results to be displayed in 3 rows as separate dataframe.
You can use sapply
in a mapply
call :
mapply(function(x, y) colSums(sapply(x, `<`, y)), df2, df3)
# A B C
#[1,] 3 2 4
#[2,] 2 2 2
#[3,] 1 2 0