Search code examples

Pandas: Merging two Dataframe, add columns and delete duplicate rows

I have two dataframes, let's say, material inventory reports, for Jan and Feb:

January Report

code  description    qty_jan   amount_jan

WP1   Wooden Part-1  1000      50000
MP1   Metal Part-1   500       5000
GL1   Glass-1        100       2500

February Report

code  description    qty_feb   amount_feb

WP1   Wooden Part-1  1200      60000
MP2   Metal Part-2   300       3000
GL1   Glass-1        50        1250
GL2   Glass-2        200       5000

To monitor the progress of each material inventory, I would like to merge two reports, as follows:

code  description    qty_jan   amount_jan    qty_feb   amount_feb

WP1   Wooden Part-1  1000      50000         1200      60000
MP1   Metal Part-1   500       5000          0         0   
MP2   Metal Part-2   0         0             300       3000
GL1   Glass-1        100       2500          50        1250
GL2   Glass-2        0         0             200       5000 

Note: Materials that are not listed in a report, are considered zero stock.

How to merge these two reports?


  • You can use outer join in DataFrame.merge and then replace missing values to 0:

    df = df1.merge(df2, on=['code','description'], how='outer').fillna(0)
    print (df)
    v  code    description  qty_jan  amount_jan  qty_feb  amount_feb
    0  WP1  Wooden Part-1   1000.0     50000.0   1200.0     60000.0
    1  MP1   Metal Part-1    500.0      5000.0      0.0         0.0
    2  GL1        Glass-1    100.0      2500.0     50.0      1250.0
    3  MP2   Metal Part-2      0.0         0.0    300.0      3000.0
    4  GL2        Glass-2      0.0         0.0    200.0      5000.0

    Another idea with concat:

    df = pd.concat([df1.set_index(['code','description']), 
                    df2.set_index(['code','description'])], axis=1).fillna(0).reset_index()
    print (df)
      code    description  qty_jan  amount_jan  qty_feb  amount_feb
    0  GL1        Glass-1    100.0      2500.0     50.0      1250.0
    1  GL2        Glass-2      0.0         0.0    200.0      5000.0
    2  MP1   Metal Part-1    500.0      5000.0      0.0         0.0
    3  MP2   Metal Part-2      0.0         0.0    300.0      3000.0
    4  WP1  Wooden Part-1   1000.0     50000.0   1200.0     60000.0