I was trying to make unique code based on date,
Here's my Model for creating the unique code :
public function get_kode()
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT MAX(RIGHT(kode_list,4)) AS kd_max FROM list_produksi_toko");
$kd = "";
if($q->getResult() > 0){
foreach($q as $k){
$tmp = ((int)$k->kd_max)+1;
// $kd = sprintf("%04s", $tmp);
$kd = sprintf("%'.04d", $tmp);
$kd = "0001";
return date('ym').$kd;
it wont work and show error just like in the title, but if i change this :
if($q->getResult() > 0){
to this :
if($q->getResult() < 0){
It work, but it keep showing "20090001" the same code even after i input it to database.
What can i do to make it generate unique code, like if "20090001" is already exist it will make "20090002"
Try This,
public function get_kode()
$q = $this->db->query("SELECT MAX(RIGHT(kode_list,4)) AS kd_max FROM list_produksi_toko");
$kd = "";
$result = $q->getResult();
// try to use $q->getRow(); to get single row and reduce the code of **for loop**
foreach($result as $k){//change
$tmp = ((int)$k->kd_max)+1;
// $kd = sprintf("%04s", $tmp);
$kd = sprintf("%'.04d", $tmp);
$kd = "0001";
return date('ym').$kd;