I have tried
String name = mContext.getString(R.string.product_and_quantity, banner.getProduct_name().trim(), banner.getProduct_quantity());
and in String.xml file
<string name="product_and_quantity">%1$s x(%2$d)</string>
but still I am not getting proper view in some items as shown in image.
I tried this too
String name=banner.getProduct_name().trim()+"x("+ banner.getProduct_quantity()+")";
SpannableStringBuilder spannableStringBuilder=new SpannableStringBuilder();
spannableStringBuilder.append(" X(");
and string.xml file has
<string name="closing_bracket">)</string>
but still i am getting the same error.
I have invested 3-4 hours on stackoverflow about this error but no solution. Please help.
It could be that the text is too long and breaks into 3 lines and only the first two are shown. Like this:
Sauce Pasta
And the textview is limited in height and only shows the first two lines.
Based on the provided layout xml and discussion in comments, the solution was, to change the textview's height to match_parent.