I'm using TomEE microprofile and have defined my rest application path this way:
public class RestConfiguration extends Application {
When the application is deployed, tomee log shows the access url to the generated front end resources:
Service URI: http://localhost:8080/api/openapi-ui/
When accesing the url got this message in the swagger-ui web page:
Fetch error undefined /openapi
If I change the application path to empty:
Then all works fine and swagger shows all of the service method definitions.
So, what should I do to make it work adding "api" to the ApplicationPath annotation?
Tried with "/api", but doesn't work either.
I made the test here with Tomee-8.0.4, follow the configurations, assumed that you that is using a JAR.
in your pom.xml use the dependency:
in microprofile-config.properties use:
and run your project again.
reference: https://github.com/microprofile-extensions/openapi-ext/tree/master/openapi-ui