Search code examples

How to get the latest record on big query based on field date

This is my query

SELECT producto, ROUND(precio_medio,2) as precio, fecha, mpio, cod_dpto, tipo, presentacion FROM DATABASE where categoria="Arrendamiento de tierras" and tipo="Arrendamiento de tierras" and producto="Cabeza de ganado mensual para pastoreo, terreno inclinado/ondulado con agua" and presentacion ="Arriendo"

it return [id, producto, precio, fecha,mpio,cod_dpto, presentacion] enter image description here

So I want to get only the lates record of each one Popayan and Piendamo based in the field fecha


  • In Big Query, you can use arrays for this. Assuming that you want the row with the most recent fecha per mpio:

    select * except(ar)
    from (  
                struct(id, producto, precio, mpio,cod_dpto, presentacion)
                order by fecha desc limit 1
            ) ar
        from database
            categoria="Arrendamiento de tierras" 
            and tipo="Arrendamiento de tierras" 
            and producto="Cabeza de ganado mensual para pastoreo, terreno inclinado/ondulado con agua" 
            and presentacion ="Arriendo"
        group by mpio
    ) x, unnest(

    A more standard approach is to use window functions:

    select * except(rn)
    from (
            fecha, id, producto, precio, mpio,cod_dpto, presentacion,
            row_number() over(partition by mpio order by fecha desc) rn
        from database
            categoria="Arrendamiento de tierras" 
            and tipo="Arrendamiento de tierras" 
            and producto="Cabeza de ganado mensual para pastoreo, terreno inclinado/ondulado con agua" 
            and presentacion ="Arriendo"
    ) t
    where rn = 1