Is there any way to write some html (as you might in a block), and have that html appear as a menu item?
My situation is that I want some text that is not a link to say 'Follow us on:', and then I want 2 images which are both links to twitter and facebook.
Menu html cant do this as it requires any html you write to be part of a link, and to be the same link for that menu entry.
I really want the html I add to be within the menu list. Thanks
UPDATE Code doesn't work well in the comments so im adding it here. This link seemed to be the closest to what you were suggesting:
So I added this to my template.php:
function localhost_petitpim_menu_item($link, $has_children, $menu = '', $in_active_trail = FALSE, $extra_class = NULL) {
$class = ($menu ? 'expanded' : ($has_children ? 'collapsed' : 'leaf'));
if (!empty($extra_class)) {
$class .= ' ' . $extra_class;
if ($in_active_trail) {
$class .= 'active-trail myactive';
return '<li class="' . $class . '">' . $link . $menu . "</li>\n";
All ive done is add a class of 'myactive' so I can see if its working. My theme name is 'localhost_petitpim'. Ive refreshed the cache. My theme is set to 'Rebuild theme registry on every page.' I cant see the new class being applied. Have I done something wrong? Thanks
You can simply hard-code text and linked images in your tpl.php file(s). Just put html block with desired code in tpl.php after menu. Make new wraper around menu & block if current html structure of your theme is not supporting this solution. Block should be floated right or displayed inline depending on HTML+CSS of your theme.
Hope this helps.