I'm getting a DateTime format from user input:
"Y/m/d H:i"
this is my validation:
'deadline' => 'required|date_format:Y/m/d H:i'
but the problem is I'm using Jalali calender so 6th month of the jalali have 31 days. and user input will be like this:
and now validator will throw an error because there are no 31 days in the 6th month of the Georgian calender.
how should I validate this date?
try to use a rule over existed validation of laravel,
php artisan make:rule [JalaliDateValidation]
if you are using morilog/jalali try to use checkdate function
// Check jalali date
\Morilog\Jalali\CalendarUtils::checkDate(1391, 2, 30, true); // true
// Check jalali date
\Morilog\Jalali\CalendarUtils::checkDate(2016, 5, 7); // false
// Check gregorian date
\Morilog\Jalali\CalendarUtils::checkDate(2016, 5, 7, false); // true