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MongoDB - pipeline grouping by unique set?

I have a data set that looks something like this:


These models values are shared by very many records, and I'm trying to find which combinations represent the most common groupings.

I have a pipeline that gives me what I want, but order matters there. For example:


Is there any way to use _id to group by unique arrays, regardless of order? The only solution I have thought of so far is sort by the model and hoping that preserve $addToSet operation order, but that both feels hacky and feels low performance and I don't suspect order of operations is guaranteed anyways.

My pipeline:

        $match: { $and: [
           ] }
        $group: {
            _id : "$trackingNumber",
            models: {$addToSet: "$model"},
            count : { $sum: 1 }
        $group: {
            _id : "$models",
            count : { $sum: 1 }
        $sort: {
            count:  -1


  • You might $unwind the array, sort by the unwound values, then $group by _id and $push the elements back into an array.

    That way the array is sorted, so the various equivalent sets should test equal.