I looking in the documentation how to obtain a PDF from a histogram, but I couldn't find anything, so how can I obtain PDF from a histogram ?, for example to use it in a sum_pdf = zfit.pdf.SumPDF([model1, model2], fracs=frac) in order to perfome a fit, or maybe generate some toys.
Thanks in advance.
PS. I'm looking something similar to RooHistPdf Class from Roofit.
zfit now allows to do binned fits (to be installed currently with pip install zfit --pre
) as described in the tutorial
Basically, starting from the unbinned data or model, you can do:
# make binned
binning = zfit.binned.RegularBinning(50, -8, 10, name="x")
obs_bin = zfit.Space("x", binning=binning)
data = data_nobin.to_binned(obs_bin)
model = zfit.pdf.BinnedFromUnbinnedPDF(model_nobin, obs_bin)
There is currently no out-of-the-box solution for this but work-in-progress.
However, you can simply construct something on your own like:
import zfit
from zfit import z
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
zfit.settings.options['numerical_grad'] = True
class BinnedEfficiencyPDF(zfit.pdf.BasePDF):
def __init__(self, efficiency, eff_bins, obs, name='BinnedEfficiencyPDF'):
self.efficiency = efficiency
self.eff_bins = eff_bins
super().__init__(obs=obs, name=name)
def _binContent(self, x):
eff_bin = np.digitize(x, self.eff_bins)
return self.efficiency[eff_bin]
def _unnormalized_pdf(self, x): # or even try with PDF
x = z.unstack_x(x)
probs = z.py_function(func=self._binContent, inp=[x], Tout=tf.float64)
return prob