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How to convert Varchar2 to time in Oracle?

I have 2 columns in my table both of varchar2. I have a query like


I am getting output 0910 am. I have tried


With this query I am getting Output 09:10:00 pm.

I want Output like 21:10:00 pm. How can we achieve this? Please help.


  • When using HH24 format mask, 21 hours equals 9 PM. There's no point in having PM along with 21, is there?

    When you convert a string (0910) concatenated with am/pm to a date, you use TO_DATE function with appropriate format mask. Date values - in Oracle - contain both date and time component (see datum_1 in the following example). Then apply TO_CHAR to such a result in order to display it as you want (again, by applying desired format mask) - that's datum_2.

    For example:

    SQL> alter session set nls_date_format = ' hh:mi pm';
    Session altered.
    SQL> with mytable (mycolumn_time, mycolumn_time_ampm) as
      2    (select '0910', 'am' from dual union all
      3     select '1150', 'pm' from dual
      4    )
      5  select mycolumn_time,
      6         mycolumn_time_ampm,
      7                 to_date(mycolumn_time ||' '||mycolumn_time_ampm, 'hhmi pm')             datum_1,
      8         --
      9         to_char(to_date(mycolumn_time ||' '||mycolumn_time_ampm, 'hhmi pm'), 'hh24:mi') datum_2
     10  from mytable;
    MYCO MY DATUM_1             DATUM_2
    ---- -- ------------------- -------
    0910 am 01.09.2020 09:10 AM 09:10
    1150 pm 01.09.2020 11:50 PM 23:50

    If you add PM format mask, you'd get

      9         to_char(to_date(mycolumn_time ||' '||mycolumn_time_ampm, 'hhmi pm'), 'hh24:mi pm') datum_2
     10  from mytable;                                                                        ^^
    MYCO MY DATUM_1             DATUM_2
    ---- -- ------------------- --------
    0910 am 01.09.2020 09:10 AM 09:10 AM
    1150 pm 01.09.2020 11:50 PM 23:50 PM

    but - as I previously said - it doesn't make sense. There's no e.g. 23:50 AM, but it makes perfect sense in 11:50 AM or 11:50 PM.