Search code examples

Adding Lookup reference values in Yaml file

Input JSON is

%dw 2.0
output application/json

        "Master_Job__r": {
         "Description_of_Loss__c": "This is Raja",  
          "Date_of_Loss__c": "2020-06-08",
          "Id": null,
          "type": "Master_Job__c"
        "Amount__c": null,
        "Job_Number__c": "C##-#7-00041",
        "Property_ID__r": {
          "Country__c": "United States",
          "City__c": "Chennai",
          "Zip__c": "77777",
          "Address_Line_1__c": "null Testa St",
          "Id": null,
          "type": "Home",
          "State__c": "CA",
          "phone__C": "948-125-6666",
          "Job_Number__C": "GSD-45613",
          "Phone_Ext__C": "257452",
          "TOL_Code__c": "EARTHQUAKE",
          "TOL_desc__c": "",
          "PolicyNum__c": "GSD-123654",
          "COvapplyTo__c": "0",
          "PolicyLim__c": "156",
          "PolDeduc__c": "1562",
          "Covname__c": "Rup",
          "CovType__c": "4",
          "id__c": "4586",
          "Date_Taken__c": "2020-08-16",
          "Email__c": "[email protected]",
               "Email__C": "[email protected]",
       "Account_Roles__r": [
            "Multiple_Roles__c": "Primary/Bill-to;Caller",
                "Id": null,
                "type": "Account_Roles__c",
                "Contact_ID__r": { 
              "Name": "Test QA"
                "Multiple_Roles__c": "Project Site Contact",
                "type": "Account_Roles__c",
                "Contact_ID__r": {
                "Name": "Test DB Con002"
            "Id": null,
        "Project_Manager_Email__c": null

Dataweave code in XML is

 %dw 2.0
    output application/xml 
    XACTDOC: {(payload map(object,index)->{
           dateofloss @("Dateofloss":payload.Master_Job__r[0].Date_of_Loss__c as String,"dateReceived":payload.Property_ID__r[0].Date_Taken__c as String):""default""   
        TOLcode: {
                "test": payload.Property_ID__r[0].TOL_Code__c as String,
            "Desc": p('Typeofloss.EARTHQUAKE')

Output XML Format is

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
  </ADM><Coverage_Loss><PolicyNumber PolNum="GSD-123654" claimNumber="GSD-45613"/>

And i have created and stored a Name value lookup in .YAML File like

  EARTHQUAKE: "Earthquake"
  FIRE: "Fire"
  Flood: "Flood"
  FREEZE: "Freeze"
  VANDALISM: "Vandalism"
  ENVIRONMENT: "Environmental Remediation"
  STORM: "Hurrican/Tornado/Blizzard/Noreaster"

And now my requirement is if TOL_CODE "Test" field is "STORM" then i need "DESC" field as a "Hurrican/Tornado/Blizzard/Noreaster" as an Output. I will get Input TOL_CODE values dynamically. How can we get the lookup values in Dataweave expressions without entering manually. i tried with this logic but it is not working.

"test": payload.Property_ID__r[0].TOL_Code__c as String, "Desc": p('Typeofloss.'+payload.Property_ID__r[0].TOL_Code__c)


  • Use ++ to concat strings for the Desc field i.e.

    "Desc": p('Typeofloss.' ++ payload.Property_ID__r[0].TOL_Code__c)
