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Firebase Custom Domain Not Showing Latest Deployed Release

Problem Statement : I am running firebase deploy from firebase cli to deploy build inside the Public folder of my Angular8 application. This action deploys the latest release only to the default hosting url_link and not to the custom domain.

Note: I am only learning how to code and there might be a good change that I am doing it wrong altogether.

I have connected a Custom Domain to my firebase hosting account.

Screenshot of connected custom domain on firebase hosting panel

I have added paypal donate button in the latest release and this button is appearing default hosting url_link --> web app in Angular

Donate button appearing on default url_link

Issue : the connected custom domain does not reflect these changes at all. domain --> storytellers union

storytellersunion not showing the donate button

Your pointers in right direction towards the likely causes of this issue would be dearly appreciated.


  • Both links show the button for me, so it's most likely that you're looking at a cached version in the second screenshot.

    Force a refresh in your browser (ctrl-F5/cmd-R) to make sure it loads the latest data.

    If that doesn't fix it, it may be that one of the edge caches somehow didn't flush the old data. While this is uncommon, if it happens you can fix it by redeploying the site using firebase deploy.

    If that still doesn't fix the problem, it might be worth it to reach out to Firebase support for personalized help in troubleshooting.