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Need a C++ map and list which contain iterators to each other

I have a custom templated container using a map and list being kept in sync. The map needs to hold MyList::const_iterator and the list needs to hold MyMap::const_iterator. The only solution I've been able to find is to pun one of the iterators, as in the example below.

Is there a proper way to forward declare this so that I don't need the ugly punning?

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(There are definitely other approaches that could be used for the example, but that's out of scope. This is a snippet of a larger program. I'm simply trying to make this "circular" definition without UB.)

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <unordered_map>

template<class ObjectT> class MyClass
// SUMMARY: The map must contain an iterator to the list, and the list must contain an iterator to the map.
// I have not been able to figure out how to define that (circular), so I've punned an iterator to a different list for the map entry.
    typedef std::list<ObjectT> PunnedList;

    struct MapEntry
        ObjectT m_object;
        mutable typename PunnedList::const_iterator m_listIt; // Really a List::const_iterator, but that can't be defined.

    typedef std::unordered_multimap<std::string, MapEntry> Map;

    struct ListEntry
        typename Map::iterator m_mapIt;

        const ObjectT& object() const
            return m_mapIt->second.m_object;

        const std::string& name() const
            return m_mapIt->first;

    typedef std::list<ListEntry> List;

    Map mMap;
    List mList;

    typename List::const_iterator listiter_from_mapiter( typename Map::const_iterator& miter ) const
        static_assert(sizeof(typename PunnedList::const_iterator) == sizeof(typename List::const_iterator));
        return *(reinterpret_cast<typename List::const_iterator*>(&miter->second.m_listIt));

    typename List::const_iterator append( const std::string &name, const ObjectT& item )
        static_assert(sizeof(typename PunnedList::const_iterator) == sizeof(typename List::const_iterator));

        MapEntry entry{ item, typename PunnedList::const_iterator{} };

        auto mapIter = mMap.insert({ name, entry });
        mList.push_back({ mapIter });
        auto iter = mList.cend();
        *(reinterpret_cast<typename List::const_iterator*>(&mapIter->second.m_listIt)) = iter;
        return iter;
    typename List::const_iterator begin() const
        return mList.end();

    typename List::const_iterator end() const
        return mList.end();

    void erase( typename List::const_iterator iter )
        mList.erase( iter );

    typename List::const_iterator find( const std::string &name ) const
        auto range = mMap.equal_range(name);

        for (auto mapIter = range.first; mapIter != range.second; ++mapIter)
            // In the real program, there are additional criteria on the map entry, not needed for the example.
            // if (mapIter is a match)
                return listiter_from_mapiter(mapIter);

         return mList.cend();

int main()
    MyClass<int> container;
    std::cout << container.find("B")->object();


  • Forward-declaring at least one of your inner classes breaks the cycle:

    template<class ObjectT> class MyClass
        struct ListEntry;
        typedef std::list<ListEntry> List;
        // Rest of the class, using List as you like

    Note that the following List::const_iterator works thanks to std::list<T> not requiring T to be complete to be instantiated.