Reading the book Knapsack Problems, 2004 edition, by Hans Kellerer, Ulrich Pferschy and David Pisinger, about the subset sum problem, I found this definition (Chapter 4):
Given a set N = {1, ... , n} of n items with positive integer weights W1, ... , Wn and a capacity c, the subset sum problem (SSP) is to find a subset of N such that the corresponding total weight is maximized without exceeding the capacity c.
formally found in Section 2.1 as (sorry, no LaTeX support)
Looking for pseudo-code samples I found this wikipedia article, where a totally different, albeit informal, definition is stated:
given a set (or multiset) of integers, is there a non-empty subset whose sum is zero?
Although, it also says There are several equivalent formulations of the problem, I don't believe this one and the book's can be called equivalent at all.
Am I looking at two different problems here, thinking it's the same? What am I missing?
You are right, these two definitions are not equal. The definition inside Knapsack Problems describes an optimization problem. In this case it is a NP-Hard problem. The definition on wikipedia describes an existence problem. This is NP-Complete.
One big difference between both definitions is the verification of the correctness.