I want to convert CSV to XML using XQuery on BaseX (currently using BaseX v9.4.1). With columns tab separated the CSV file Configuration.tsv
(input) looks like this:
Datasets Autosar Fibex TSS0001 TSS0002 TSS0003
DS0001 AutosarFoo01.arxml FibexFoo01.xml x x
DS0002 AutosarFoo02.arxml FibexFoo02.xml x x
DS0003 AutosarFoo03.arxml FibexFoo03.xml x x
The script has tssid
as input parameter. Setting tssid := TSS0001
the expected output XML is:
<database name="DS0001" autosar="AutosarFoo01.arxml" fibex="FibexFoo01.arxml"/>
<database name="DS0002" autosar="AutosarFoo02.arxml" fibex="FibexFoo02.arxml"/>
<database name="DS0003" autosar="AutosarFoo03.arxml" fibex="FibexFoo03.arxml"/>
and with tssid := TSS0003
<database name="DS0002" autosar="AutosarFoo02.arxml" fibex="FibexFoo02.arxml"/>
<database name="DS0003" autosar="AutosarFoo03.arxml" fibex="FibexFoo03.arxml"/>
The script works fine but the third attribute value (fibex
) is missing, so the output looks differently like this:
<database name="DS0001" autosar="AutosarFoo01.arxml" fibex=""/>
<database name="DS0002" autosar="AutosarFoo02.arxml" fibex=""/>
<database name="DS0003" autosar="AutosarFoo03.arxml" fibex=""/>
or with tssid := TSS0003
<database name="DS0002" autosar="AutosarFoo02.arxml" fibex=""/>
<database name="DS0003" autosar="AutosarFoo03.arxml" fibex=""/>
I cannot find something wrong with this code ?!? :
xquery version "3.1" encoding "utf-8";
declare namespace test="unittest";
declare namespace map="http://www.w3.org/2005/xpath-functions/map";
declare variable $test:tssid := 'TSS0003';
declare variable $test:testsuitesfile := '/Users/ms/Projekte/UnitTests/Configuration.tsv';
declare variable $test:options := map { 'header' : 'yes', 'format' : 'attributes', 'separator' : 'tab' };
declare variable $test:xml := csv:doc($test:testsuitesfile,$test:options);
(: get the positions :)
declare variable $test:positionDataId := 1 ;
declare variable $test:positionTssCheck := $test:xml/csv/record[position() = 1]/entry[text() = $test:tssid]/count(./preceding-sibling::entry) + 1 ;
declare variable $test:positionAutosar := $test:xml/csv/record[position() = 1]/entry[text() = 'Autosar']/count(./preceding-sibling::entry) + 1 ;
declare variable $test:positionFibex := $test:xml/csv/record[position() = 1]/entry[text() = 'Fibex']/count(./preceding-sibling::entry) + 1 ;
declare variable $test:dbsetbycsv as map(*) := map:merge(for $record in $test:xml/csv/record[entry[position() = $test:positionTssCheck and text()='x']] return map:entry($record/entry[position() = $test:positionDataId]/text(),<database name="{$record/entry[position() = $test:positionDataId]/text()}" autosar="{$record/entry[position() = $test:positionAutosar]/text()}" fibex="{$record/entry[position() = $test:positionFibex]/text()}"/>));
declare variable $test:dbset := $test:dbsetbycsv;
declare function test:dump() {
function($k) {
let $result := test:dump()
It's a bug. Fixed now with BaseX 9.4.3 beta.