After creating a new lightsail django instance on AWS, I found that the folders /opt/bitnami/apps/ does not exist as referenced in the documentation I've created django instances before on AWS and have never encountered this issue.
bitnami@ip-172-26-4-185:~$ ls
bitnami_application_password bitnami_credentials htdocs stack
bitnami@ip-172-26-4-185:~$ cd /
bitnami@ip-172-26-4-185:/$ cd opt
bitnami@ip-172-26-4-185:/opt$ cd bitnami
bitnami@ip-172-26-4-185:/opt/bitnami$ cd apps
-bash: cd: apps: No such file or directory
bitnami@ip-172-26-4-185:/opt/bitnami$ ls
apache bncert-tool bnsupport-tool git nami properties.ini stats
apache2 bnsupport common gonit node python var
bncert bnsupport-regex.ini mariadb postgresql scripts
Additional info: 16 GB RAM, 4 vCPUs, 320 GB SSD
Virginia, Zone A (us-east-1a) attached static ip address
Bitnami Engineer here,
The apps folder doesn't exist anymore in the Django solution. The guide you are following is not maintained by Bitnami and that's why it's not up to date. To create a new project in the new Bitnami Django solution, you will need to run these commands
sudo mkdir -p /opt/bitnami/projects/PROJECT
sudo chown $USER /opt/bitnami/projects
django-admin startproject PROJECT /opt/bitnami/projects/PROJECT
cd /opt/bitnami/projects/PROJECT
python migrate
python startapp helloworld
python runserver
and access the port 8000 to see that new hello world project.
You can learn more about this in our official documentation