import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("To Do")
root.resizable(False, False)
class App:
def __init__(self, window):
#Button font
self.buttonFont = ("Courier", 13, "normal")
self.header = tk.Label(text = "To Do List\n", font = ("Helvetica", 26, "bold"))
#Add item button
self.addButton = tk.Button(text = "Add Item", font = self.buttonFont, bg = "green", command = self.OpenAddItem)
self.addButton.grid(row = 1, column = 0, )
#Del item button
self.delButton = tk.Button(text = "Delete Item", font = self.buttonFont, bg = "red")
self.delButton.grid(row = 1, column = 1, )
#items frame and stuff
self.itemsframe = tk.Frame()
self.itemsframe.grid(row = 2)
self.item = tk.Label(self.itemsframe, font = ("Helvetica", 11, "normal"))
def OpenAddItem(self):
#COnfiguring prompt win
self.addPromptWin = tk.Toplevel(root)
#Entry label
self.entryLabel = tk.Label(self.addPromptWin,text = "Enter item name:", font = ("Courier", 11, "normal"))
self.entryLabel.grid(sticky = tk.E)
#Adding entry
self.entry = tk.Entry(self.addPromptWin, font = ("Courier", 11, "normal"))
self.entry.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
self.entry.bind("<Return>", lambda e: self.AddItem())
#Add new item button
self.addNewItemButton = tk.Button(self.addPromptWin, text = "Add", font = self.buttonFont, bg = "green", command = self.AddItem)
self.addNewItemButton.grid(row = 1, sticky = tk.W)
def AddItem(self):
self.entryValue = self.entry.get()
self.item.config(text = f"1. {self.entryValue}")
app = App(root)
Hey guys, I'm having an issue with my tkinter gui program. When i call the addItem function, instead of creating a new label every time, it just replaces the current one. Any help would be much appreciated!
You made a Label
named self.item
and you keep overwriting it, expecting it to magically be a new Label
. The fix is simple ~ don't create self.item
. Create a list instead and push new Labels
onto it as they are needed. This sets the stage for your delete method, as well ~ as you can just unpack everything in the cache, delete the desired item and repack whatever is left in the cache. My example is commented where it counts. I didn't write a delete method for you.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("To Do")
root.resizable(False, False)
class App:
def __init__(self, window):
#Button font
self.buttonFont = ("Courier", 13, "normal")
self.header = tk.Label(text = "To Do List\n", font = ("Helvetica", 26, "bold"))
#Add item button
self.addButton = tk.Button(text = "Add Item", font = self.buttonFont, bg = "green", command = self.OpenAddItem)
self.addButton.grid(row = 1, column = 0, )
#Del item button
self.delButton = tk.Button(text = "Delete Item", font = self.buttonFont, bg = "red")
self.delButton.grid(row = 1, column = 1, )
#items frame and stuff
self.itemsframe = tk.Frame()
self.itemsframe.grid(row = 2)
''' you just keep overwriting this '''
#self.item = tk.Label(self.itemsframe, font = ("Helvetica", 11, "normal"))
#start a cache instead
self.items = []
def OpenAddItem(self):
#COnfiguring prompt win
self.addPromptWin = tk.Toplevel(root)
#Entry label
self.entryLabel = tk.Label(self.addPromptWin,text = "Enter item name:", font = ("Courier", 11, "normal"))
self.entryLabel.grid(sticky = tk.E)
#Adding entry
self.entry = tk.Entry(self.addPromptWin, font = ("Courier", 11, "normal"))
self.entry.grid(row = 0, column = 1)
self.entry.bind("<Return>", lambda e: self.AddItem())
#Add new item button
self.addNewItemButton = tk.Button(self.addPromptWin, text = "Add", font = self.buttonFont, bg = "green", command = self.AddItem)
self.addNewItemButton.grid(row = 1, sticky = tk.W)
def AddItem(self):
self.entryValue = self.entry.get()
you can keep configuring and repacking this for infinity
it's not going to change the fact that it's the same label every time
#self.item.config(text = f"1. {self.entryValue}")
#append a new label to the cache instead
self.items.append(tk.Label(self.itemsframe, font = ("Helvetica", 11, "normal"), anchor='w'))
#config and pack the last item in the cache
self.items[-1].config(text = f"{len(self.items)}. {self.entryValue}",)
app = App(root)