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Verify that my DelegatingHandler was added to IHttpClientBuilder

I have code which adds a named HttpClient to the ServiceCollection and adds a DelegatingHandler to the client. Example code:

public class MyDelegatingHandler : DelegatingHandler
    // ...

public static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
        .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) =>
                .AddHttpMessageHandler(provider => new MyDelegatingHandler());

When writing unit tests, how can I verify that the DelegatingHandler implementation added was MyDelegatingHanlder?


  • This information is stored down in a private field of the HttpClient. You can get at it, but it's a tad unorthodox. So, you may or may not be interested, but I am going to throw this out there in case you are:

    public static class HttpClientExtensions
        public static bool ContainsDelegatingHandler<TDelegatingHandler>(
            this HttpClient httpClient) where TDelegatingHandler: DelegatingHandler
            if(httpClient == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(httpClient));
            var internalHandlerField = typeof(HttpMessageInvoker).GetField(
                "_handler", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            if(internalHandlerField == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                    "_handler no longer exists as a private instance field of HttpClient");
            // run down the chain of delegating handlers until there are no more
            var delegatingHandler = internalHandlerField.GetValue(httpClient) as DelegatingHandler;
            while (delegatingHandler != null)
                if(delegatingHandler.GetType() == typeof(TDelegatingHandler))
                    return true;
                delegatingHandler = delegatingHandler.InnerHandler as DelegatingHandler;
            return false;

    To test, you'd first have to create an HttpClient using the factory:

    var httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient("MyClient");

    Then run it through the extension:

        throw new Exception(
            "HttpClient with name 'MyClient' does not contain " +
            $"{nameof(MyDelegatingHandler)} delegating handler.");