I have a file in my project which I would like to compile for performance reasons:
How to achieve this with Poetry?
There is an undocumented feature in Poetry. Add this to your pyproject.toml
build = 'build.py'
requires = ["poetry>=0.12", "cython"]
build-backend = "poetry.masonry.api"
What this does is runs the build.py:build()
function inside the implicitly generated setup.py.
This is where we build.
So, create a build.py
that provides the build()
import os
# See if Cython is installed
from Cython.Build import cythonize
# Do nothing if Cython is not available
except ImportError:
# Got to provide this function. Otherwise, poetry will fail
def build(setup_kwargs):
# Cython is installed. Compile
from setuptools import Extension
from setuptools.dist import Distribution
from distutils.command.build_ext import build_ext
# This function will be executed in setup.py:
def build(setup_kwargs):
# The file you want to compile
extensions = [
# gcc arguments hack: enable optimizations
os.environ['CFLAGS'] = '-O3'
# Build
'ext_modules': cythonize(
compiler_directives={'linetrace': True},
'cmdclass': {'build_ext': build_ext}
Now, when you do poetry build
, nothing happens.
But if you install this package elsewhere, it gets compiled.
You can also build it manually with:
$ cythonize -X language_level=3 -a -i mylibrary/myfile.py
Finally, it seems that you can't publish binary packages to PyPi. The solution is to limit your build to "sdist":
$ poetry build -f sdist
$ poetry publish