I'm trying to import a user-defined function(UDF) via xlwings but am encountering an issue. Upon pressing the import functions button in the xlwings ribbon, I receive the following run time error:
`Run_time error '1004
`Method of 'VBProject' of object '_Workbook' failed.'
According to the VBA debugger, the below module contains the problem:
Sub ImportXlwingsUdfsModule(tf As String)
' Fallback: This is called from Python as direct pywin32 calls were
' sometimes failing, see comments in the Python code
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
**ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents.Import tf**
End Sub
The .py file containing the UDF is saved in the same folder as the calling .xlsm workbook.
How do I rectify this so I can utilize UDFs?
Thanks to the xlwings team for providing a link that helped me resolve the issue.
One needs to ensure that Trust Access to VBA object model is enabled.
See: https://docs.xlwings.org/en/stable/udfs.html#one-time-excel-preparations