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SetProperty / GetProperty on a mailItem does not work as expected when executed on Citrix

I have an Outlook VSTO plugin.

I use mailItem.PropertyAccessor.SetProperty ( and mailItem.PropertyAccessor.GetProperty ( in order to save and retrieve some information regarding mail items. and it's working just fine.

However, when (and only when) executed on a Citrix environment, SetProperty does not throw any error, and GetProperty act as if no property existed. So I don't have any error.

Any idea how to solve this issue ?


  • If is only for your internal purposes and it never needs to be saved, do not set the property - that can cause undesirable effects: the item becomes dirty, you waste a property mapping (you can have at most 0xFFFF named properties per mailbox - once you reach the limit, the mailbox is pretty much dead).

    Create a wrapper class that holds MailItem object as a property as well as a list or a dictionary or a set of explicit properties to hold your temporary per-item data.