I am trying to store a command prompt command to a variable in Powershell, as well as outputting it to a file. Since the command has 3 lines of output, nothing gets stored as a variable or written to file. The only thing that happens when I attempt to store or output to file, is that the output gets printed to the screen.
java -version
java version "1.8.0_251"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_251-b25)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.251-b25, mixed mode)
I have tried the following which did not work:
$variable = (java -version)
$variable = cmd /c "java -version")
java -version | out-file test.txt
Looks like I misread your question, original answer at the bottom
likely outputs the version info to the standard error stream, so you'll have to redirect it into the standard output stream first:
$version = java -version 2>&1
But since PowerShell will attempt to wrap the output from the error stream in ErrorRecord
's, we need to convert those back to strings again:
$version = java -version 2>&1 |ForEach-Object ToString
To learn more about the different output streams in PowerShell and how to redirect them, see the about_Redirection
help topic
Either store the command and arguments in string variables, then invoke with &
$command = 'java'
$arguments = '-version'
# ... later in the script:
$javaVersion = & $command $arguments
Alternatively create a scriptblock with the command expression:
$javaVersionCommand = {
java -version
# ... later in the script:
$javaVersion = & $javaVersionCommand