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How to deserialize a XML file to a C# object (.svg) successfully?

I want to add text to a icon and use that icon on a website where the icon is shown with added text inside. As an example: think of a cloud-icon with a number in it where the number is the precipitation probability. The value of that number changes so it must be possible to change the text dynamically.

I use as a drawing program that creates a .svg file. It is kind of XML, I guess. I thought I just use a online converter from .xml -> C# object classes ( and deserialize it then change one value and serialize it again if possible in to memory and then use that as an image on a webpage. But I get an error at the deserialization step'> was not expected.

I did try different class models - but nothing worked. I am unsure if I am pursuing the right solution.

I want to be able to have a scalable icon with text in it and I must be able to change the text in the icon and show it to website users.

What shall I do?

I just want to be able to edit the last line of the .svg dynamically. Or do I have to go a different route like icon.svg as background and number.svg on top (two files instead of one)?

Thank you for your help, it is much appreciated

Here is the .svg file of the cloud icon with added text "Test", I would like to be able to change "Test" in a different string in C#:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
  <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="m20.8403 4.4685c-.5663-2.3963-2.6273-4.1744-5.0903-4.1744-2.8995 0-5.25 2.4616-5.25 5.5001 0 .1964.0113.3896.03.5799-.8955.3771-1.53 1.2924-1.53 2.3664 0 1.4097 1.0913 2.5535 2.4375 2.5535h9.3c1.8023 0 3.2625-1.5305 3.2625-3.4179 0-1.8509-1.4063-3.3493-3.1597-3.4076" fill="#e5e5e5" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
  <circle clip-rule="evenodd" cx="15.533335" cy="9.787135" fill="#ffd02f" fill-rule="evenodd" r="6"/>
  <path d="m3.6992 20.6764c-1.7637 0-3.1992-1.4297-3.1992-3.187 0-1.3047.7881-2.4639 2.0088-2.9531l.3496-.1401-.0391-.375c-.0264-.2578-.043-.52-.043-.7856 0-4.103 3.3496-7.4414 7.4678-7.4414 3.4375 0 6.4141 2.3223 7.2402 5.6479l.0918.3672.3779.0117c2.417.0767 4.3105 2.0186 4.3105 4.4209 0 2.4453-1.9971 4.4346-4.4512 4.4346h-14.1141z" fill="#fff"/>
  <path d="m10.2441 6.2941c3.2066 0 5.9842 2.1664 6.7547 5.2684l.1824.7346.7565.0239c2.1459.0677 3.827 1.7899 3.827 3.9207 0 2.1697-1.7726 3.9348-3.9514 3.9348h-14.114c-1.4884-.0001-2.6993-1.2054-2.6993-2.6871 0-1.0995.6649-2.0764 1.694-2.4888l.7005-.2806-.0778-.7506c-.027-.261-.0402-.5011-.0402-.7341 0-3.8274 3.1256-6.9412 6.9676-6.9412m0-1c-4.4004 0-7.9677 3.5543-7.9677 7.9412 0 .2836.0171.5627.0455.8372-1.3589.5446-2.3219 1.8662-2.3219 3.4169 0 2.0353 1.6561 3.687 3.6993 3.687h14.1141c2.7352 0 4.9514-2.2099 4.9514-4.9348 0-2.6729-2.1342-4.8361-4.7954-4.9202-.8595-3.46-3.9873-6.0273-7.7253-6.0273z" fill="#1d1d33"/>
  <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="m18.606967 8.7411167c-.5663-2.3963-2.6273-4.1744-5.0903-4.1744-2.8995 0-5.25 2.4616-5.25 5.5001003 0 .1964.0113.3896.03.5799-.8955.3771-1.53 1.2924-1.53 2.3664 0 1.4097 1.0913 2.5535 2.4374997 2.5535h9.3000003c1.8023 0 3.2625-1.5305 3.2625-3.4179 0-1.8509-1.4063-3.3493003-3.1597-3.4076003" fill="#e5e5e5" fill-rule="evenodd"/>
  <text style="font-weight:bold;font-size:6.62016;font-family:monospace;letter-spacing:0;word-spacing:0;stroke-width:.354651" x="3.696808" y="17.625877">
    <tspan stroke-width=".354651" x="3.696808" y="17.625877">TEST</tspan>


  • You shouldn't bother with XML (de)serialization or the SVG object model in a simple case like this.

    Instead, just make the default text in Inkscape something like PLACEHOLDER (or anything else you know won't appear otherwise in the SVG XML), and use simple string replacement, i.e.

    var svgXml = ReadThatXMLAsAString();
    svgXml = svgXml.replace("PLACEHOLDER", "42");