I wrote a Ionic 4 application. I wanted to update it and it seems that filetransfer is now deprecated, so I removed it. the problem is, now I can't download files. Documentation says it can be replaced by XMLHttpRequest, like in the link below, which I followed to make a new "downloadFiles" function. https://cordova.apache.org/blog/2017/10/18/from-filetransfer-to-xhr2.html
But this solution makes me struggle with CORS issue. I can't set the correct CORS header (allow origin and stuff) on the server because I can't edit it.
What is the right way to download files now with Ionic ?
Thanks by advance
Finally found a solution with the plugin cordova-plugin-advanced-http
first install plugin
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-advanced-http
npm install @ionic-native/http
then use it to get blob, it bypass cors issues
import { HTTP, HTTPResponse } from '@ionic-native/http/ngx';
private adHTTP: HTTP
const reqOptions: any = {
method: 'get',
responseType: 'blob'
let res: HTTPResponse = await this.adHTTP.sendRequest(source, reqOptions);
let blob: Blob = res.data;
await this.file.writeFile(path, filename, blob, { replace: true });