Here is sample data:
data<-read.table(textConnection('customer_ID transaction_num sales
Josh 1 $35
Josh 2 $50
Josh 3 $65
Ray 1 $65
Ray 2 $52
Ray 3 $49
Eric 1 $10
Eric 2 $13
Eric 3 $9'),header=TRUE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
It is clear how to get trend values for one of customers's id:
dataTransformed<-dcast(data, transaction_num ~ customer_ID, value.var="sales", fun.aggregate=sum)
transaction_num Eric Josh Ray
1 10 35 65
2 13 50 52
3 9 65 49
fitted(lm(dataTransformed$Eric ~ dataTransformed$transaction_num))
1 2 3
11.16667 10.66667 10.16667
But i want to get a data frame with 'trend values' column for every customer id instead of 'sales' column or just near it. To get something like that:
customer_ID transaction_num trend
Josh 1 35
Josh 2 50
Josh 3 65
Ray 1 63.3
Ray 2 10.6
Ray 3 10.2
Eric 1 11.2
Eric 2 10.7
Eric 3 10.2
Any help would be aprreciate. Thank you
You could simply do the lm
with an interaction term:
data$trend <- fitted(lm(sales ~ customer_ID * transaction_num, data))
#> customer_ID transaction_num sales trend
#> 1 Josh 1 35 35.00000
#> 2 Josh 2 50 50.00000
#> 3 Josh 3 65 65.00000
#> 4 Ray 1 65 63.33333
#> 5 Ray 2 52 55.33333
#> 6 Ray 3 49 47.33333
#> 7 Eric 1 10 11.16667
#> 8 Eric 2 13 10.66667
#> 9 Eric 3 9 10.16667